Staying Inspired: How I Pull Myself Out of the Rut.

If there’s one thing I know all creative individuals go through it’s moments of doubt. There’s times where we doubt ourselves and out creativity, our skill – basically everything. It comes out of no where like an illness and then looms over us constantly – at least for me. One question constantly pops up in our mind:

“Am I good enough?”

Today is one of those days, I looked at my business page and sighed. I was discouraged with my progress for the year, it was then I had forgotten that it’s the slow season, it’s still kind of cold (who wants to be cold during a session) , and it’s only the beginning of the year! We all have times like this where we feel bummed we don’t have enough clients or it’s slow but we have to keep going. Why? Well, because we LOVE what we do. Here’s how I get out of my rut.

1.) Create

I know, I know it’s hard to create with no clients right? WRONG. You don’t have to have a client to create things! When I feel discouraged or frustrated I go straight to my photography. When I feel this way I always manage to have an image in my head; that image is what I create.

If you guys know anything about me you know I love the darker side of photography. Artists like Cristina Otero inspire me hardcore to do work like this even if it’s just a hobby. I create these images that help me take out my anger, frustration, doubt, etc. I’ve never actually shared these images outside of my personal facebook. But today, I’d like to share to maybe help someone get out of their rut too!



Kind of different from my usual work huh?

By creating these images, they help me to get out my feelings and it’s honestly a lot of fun! I can’t tell you how many times my husband has walked in on me taking photos like this, it’s normal by now but I always warn him so he’s not too startled!

Another thing I like to do to help me create is go on They have loads of art challenges there that can really get your creative juices flowing!

2.) Take the Initiative.

If you’re bummed you’re not feeling like you’re good enough turn that frustration and discouragement into determinations. I know it’s not easy but, it can definitely help!

Even though this is something that should always be done, follow up with potential clients. See how they’re doing and if they’re still interested in using your services or work.Doing this can spark the interest again and can give you some positive interaction with potential customers. It’s always nice to talk to happy people!

Another thing to do it to create a new marketing plan. Marketing is super important whether that be an ad you pay for, a sale, or even a giveaway! Giveaways are always super fun and I love to do them! Not only can it bring in potential clients but it’s also fun to give someone a free session or item! I love making people smile, not only does it make me smile but it inspires me too!

3.) Music

If there is one thing that inspires me it’s music. Music is something that sparks so many ideas for me; when I listen to good music I feel inspired and empowered to go and shoot everything! I want to walk around town, capture the world around me, all with my earbuds near by!



As I write this, I’m listening to the Creativity Boost playlist on spotify. Sometimes when I’m feeling down I like to sit outside and listen to music; it will inspire me and soon I’ll be doing something creative or spark ideas for future shoots! Good music is always so helpful whether you’re sad, discouraged, or just need something to dance to!


4.) Learn Something New.


So, you’re not feeling good enough what a better way to get out of a rut than to learn something new? If I’m feeling down about my skills or feel like I’m stuck I head to multiple places to learn about photography and graphic design:

  • Skillshare
  • Creative Live
  • Hit Record
  • Youtube
  • Jasmine Star’s Blog

These places are not only free to join and visit but they all have loads of helpful tips and tricks to learn something new about your trade! Creative Live and Skillshare are definitely filled with helpful tutorials, tips, and tricks to help you learn a new skill! I highly recommend joining those sites if you’re up for learning!

These are only just a few things that help me get out of the rut but these help. Sometimes just talking to a friend or family member helps too! I hope this helps you get out of your rut if you ever have one! What are some ways that you like to get out of your rut? Leave them in the comments below!

Stay Inspired & Keep On Dreaming.

S. ❤